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© 1999 Commonwealth Technical Services, Inc. Last updated on Saturday, 01-Jul-2000 14:19:19 EDT.

Service Offerings/Internet Services/Business Internet Services/Usenet News Services

A big part of the Internet experience revolves around Usenet newsgroups, or just "newsgroups" as they are often called. Newsgroups are topical discussion groups that have global participation. Newsgroups are typically accessed by news reader software such as Netscape Communicator, Outlook, Free Agent, or a number of other programs. These readers allow users to choose newsgroups that are of interest to them, and read and post articles on a one-by-one basis. Newsgroups can also be distributed via a "newsfeed" where articles are sent in a batch to a server located on the customer's network, where they are in turn read locally by newsreader software. We offer both types of services.

Newsreader (NNTP) Service Pricing Info
All of our dial-up and dedicated access accounts include unlimited newsreader access at no extra charge. NNTP access is also available for a monthly fee to users of other services, perhaps who don't have news access through their school or "free" Internet account, or it is available as a wholesale item to ISP's, CLEC's, businesses, or other carriers who don't want to invest in the hardware and bandwidth necessary to recieve a newsfeed of their own.

Newsfeed Pricing Info
Newsfeeds (full or partial) are available for a monthly fee as well. Newsfeeds are also available to dedicated access customers at no extra charge who have sufficient resources to handle it. Newsfeeds can also be "exchanged" with other news providers in a peering relationship. Generally, we do not charge for peering. Please contact for more information on newsfeed pricing and peering.